Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Last Night

It's getting very exciting at the top of the QLL Division I. We managed to beat Atletico 52-46. We merely nurdled a couple of points ahead each round (if I am allowed to use a cricket term which may have nothing to do with quizzing, but because it sounds somehow appropriate) and kept our heads. It's a good sign of our team's strength that I got ten points and this was the lowest score of all my teammates. Everyone is getting in double figures, which means we are getting the two-pointers that ensure our doing well.

However, my jokey, smug remark preceding the final round "Keep it tight" came back and bit me on the posterior when I thought about a lighthouse and said Bell Rock when I should have said Eddystone. Smirking Stainer retorts: "Keep it tight". It's strange when you can name the designer of a lighthouse - Henry Winstanley - who was hoisted by his own petard as it were, but you can't actually name the sodding building he built off Cornwall. Maybe, I'm too 'who designed this' obsessed. Maybe, I'm losing sight of the basic tenets of quiz. I dunno. What was hideously embarrassing for me was getting a question about how many numbers make up the Mohs scale wrong in the friendly that followed afterwards.

Despite hearing it in a pair, there are ten so and so things on the jobby, in the previous match, I am asked how degrees of hardness make up the Mohs scale. Ten or twelve, I ponder. I ponder further: what in the bleedin' hell was I doing when they are asking that pair during the main match? Was I doing my nails? Gulp. I say twelve. Wrong. How. Hideously. Embarrassing. I confess I have a tendency to make some stupid mistakes made all the more crude by my not listening to something said earlier in the evening.

So next week it is Allsorts. Kevin and Gavin. Rich and Ken. Phyllida and Paul. The champs.

I had been labouring under the delusion that if we won next week we would win because of a better head-to-head record, but apparently we there will be a play-off the week after which absolutely everyone will come and watch. I suppose it will give me another chance to explode in dramatic fashion, or cackle like a wild man under pressure. Oh wait a minute, in high pressure situations, I am more likely to crumple into a confidence-drained heap. Which is more like an implosion. Oh, actually I think that's Brain of London whose written qualifying test will be conducted after the game.

At one point after the game and down in the bar, I drew an analogy between a rising Arsenal team and Man U but then realised this was probably three years out of date and that there is no possible analogy I can draw unless I look into the lower leagues or some dusty annals.

We also have the added burden of all non-QLL team affiliated quizzers who want to compete in Brain of London turning up to spectate at the Paper Moon. It's quite a compact room, how we shall cope with all the extra numbers sucking up all that thinking oxygen, I do not know. I bet Kevin works equally as well in high altitude conditions. We shall see.


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