Saturday, November 04, 2006

Plans Go Awry

"'Ello darling, you're a lot better looking than Kim Cattrall" (The Social, Nottingham, Last Night)

I didn't go to Liverpool for the Quizzing GP, but you knew that anyway. This was something to do with my giving a guest lecture to my old MA at Nottingham Trent yesterday. It was set for 3.30pm, so I thought I would be able to get back to London in due time. By 8pm was my thinking.

By 8pm I was still in the pub. Having a few drinks, having a few more drinks. These crazy students. I did my best to disillusion them with my truly legendary jadedness. Amazingly, this was such a grand effort that I missed the last train home (you fool!) and got back to London by 5.30pm this evening. And I do feel ill. Maybe, it was the icy cold last night. But I do feel ill. Like my brain has been crowned with stinging nettles. In fact, I may not even write a friendly for tomorrow's President's Cup match against Cambridge - shock, horror, outrage, will things ever be the same again? I am feeling that dirty headed.

The plans went truly kaplooey. Saturday was meant to be consolidation day: do work and questions; allow myself to sort everything out before I went to Portsmouth tomorrow night to see Arab Strap. I was also going to phone up Jane and say: "Oh my God!! Have you read this buzzer quiz question and that buzzer quiz question, and can't you see they've been written by a delirious, illiterate wild man, who hadn't had any sleep when he sent them? Please insert a "which" and a "come" in question so and so. I am now going to run away. Far away." And I didn't. Gash. Now everything is going to be done in a disorderly and silly fashion. You know, I only do it to myself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Buzzer quiz questions Olav. You had no reason to worry at all. Can't wait to see your quiz book on Lulu.


10:24 AM  
Blogger That Quiz Guy said...

It's a picture of a mannequin by the way.

12:59 PM  

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