Thursday, May 04, 2006

BH#68 ... The Weekend Starts Here

I will be harrowing the north in the next couple of days, so I thought I might as well give you something to mentally chew on while I am negotiating the infinite mysteries of this nation's rail system.

So here's a quiz. It is constructed of questions. Why not read it. Go on.

1 Similar to the wigwam which is found in the NE of North America, what name is given to a domed hut-like dwelling used by the semi-nomadic Native American tribes of the SW?
2 Adopted on May 3, 1791, what country's national constitution was the first to be codified in Europe and is the second oldest constitution in the world?
3 Which World Cup skiing champion was shot dead on April 30 in Les Crosets, Switzerland, along with her brother Alain? Her husband Gerold Stadler is suspected of the murders.
4 In nature, on what structure would you find decorations known as stabilimenta?
5 In which European capital would you find the baroque palace known as The Favorita?
6 Isolated from oil gas, what organic chemical compound was given the name bicarburet of hydrogen by Michael Faraday?
7 The man who apparently inaugurated Easter as an annual festival in Rome, who was pope from 166-174 and is sometimes called the Pope of Charity?
8 Sukhumi is the capital of which self-proclaimed republic in the Caucasus that is de facto independent of Georgia?
9 Which British physicist was born John William Strutt in 1842?
10 First staged on March 22, 1920, El maleficio de la mariposa (The Butterfly's Evil Spell) was the first play by which dramatist?
11 Whose first significant poem was The Isle of Statues, a fantasy work that took Edmund Spenser for its poetic model?
12 Located north of Ginnungagap, what "Land of Mists" is the realm of ice and cold in Norse mythology?
13 Which storyboard artist, who laid the groundwork for Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, created Woody Woodpecker in 1940?
14 Who played Detective Sergeant Joe Friday in the TV series Dragnet?
15 In which European capital did a major fire start on Friday, June 5, 1795, a conflagration that destroyed 941 houses and made around 6,000 residents homeless?
16 In which English city is there a modern art gallery called The Ikon?
17 Which French scientist's paradox states that the drag on a body immersed in an inviscid, incompressible fluid is zero?
18 What sea was known to the Romans as the Mare Suebicum 2000 years ago?
19 Death and The King's Horseman is considered by many to be which African writer's greatest play?
20 SK Brann are a Norwegian football team from which city?
21 Which eccentric saloon-keeper and arbitrary judge (c.1825-1903) called himself The Law West of the Pecos?
22 Who presents the three-hour long TV show La Noche Del Diez?
23 Which European city unveiled the first ever public monument to Bruce Lee on the 65th anniversay of hs birth last November?

The Provinces
I have been back home for the past few days, as you may have noticed. My quarantine has failed miserably. I have only read questions for something like 20 minutes. Yes, not even half an hour. Life defeated me. So I really did something like 0.5% of the work, which by any standard is a phenomenal defeat of my previous aims. Well done to my bad self. I blame the following things, however: cooking my own food, the TV, non-quiz reading material, and, most of all, iTunes. I wave my fist at thee Steve Jobs. I wave it vociferously.

I did pop out to The Windmill for a pub quiz. Last time we crushed the opposition. It felt good. On Tuesday I returned hoping to repeat the dose of complete and utter brilliance and pay for my taxi fare home.

Alas, we failed. The O-Bomb went PHUT rather than PWEH-PWOORRRRR!!! Alas, the quizmaster made it really easy, the chubby swine who sits at the bar, hiding his swinish belly. We scored 31 and came 4th=. The winners got 34. We considered ritual suicide, but thought better of it and drank some of the red wine that we had won in the first round for a spot prize (a.k.a. the Pity Us Prize). The wine smelled faintly of blackberry. Well, that's what the label told me to say. If it said rancid pork chops I would say it smelled faintly of rancid pork chops. That's what wine labels do: hynoptising you with lies playing upon your own ignorance.

I have the compensation of knowing that everybody who beat us in the pub must have cheated (whatever explanation is there for the miserable defeat). No, that's unfair. We were just sunk by the five errors, as opposed to the winner's one. They were The W.C's: old enemies from the time of The Lamb, almost ten years ago.

POW! - We put Madame Tussaud's for the question - what museum is in Baker Street, London - well, I thought Tussaud's was a waxwork museum but it patently is not. At least, according to Jabba the Quizmaster.
BOOF! - I put 1955 not 1956 for Rocky Marciano's retirement. So close.
WHAM! - We guessed the Everly Brothers for the Four Seasons' 1962 hit Sherry.
KABLAMOW! - We had no idea who entered Jack-in-the-Box for our 1971, so put Manfred Mann (don't ask) instead of Clodagh Rodgers.
SMOOSH! - And "Which sitcom featured The Lanford Lunchbox?" Well, I never watched it. Was it Seinfeld? Oh. Roseanne. That explains everything.

And, as they said of Tommy DeVito, that was the end of that.

It's lucky one of knew The Who had a 1976 hit with Squeeze Box, otherwise I really would have nutted the QM for all the old pop and geriatric knowledge and utter pants he packed in on the night. What a lame-arsed quiz. Lame-E-O.

The problem with doing quizzes in local pubs is that the QM knows his crowd and asks them stuff like - 'What JL do you suffer after a long airplane journey?' That was the basic tenor of the questions and the clientele might as well have been chewing hay and red neckerchiefs. As a result I was lethally exposed, and who knows if I shall return? Who knows.

Otherwise, my taxi fare was £2 cheaper this time. My driver looked like a bleached goat. I think I talked too fast for him.

I have one further thing to say.

May your weekend be bright and glorious.

Answers to BH#68
1 Wickiup 2 Poland 3 Corinne Rey-Bellet 4 Spider webs 5 Vienna 6 Benzene 7 Soter 8 Abkhazia 9 Lord Rayleigh 10 Federico Garcia Lorca 11 WB Yeats 12 Niflheim 13 Ben "Bugs" Hardaway 14 Jack Webb 15 Copenhagen 16 Birmingham 17 D'Alembert's 18 Baltic Sea 19 Wole Soyinka 20 Bergen 21 (Phantly) Roy Bean 22 Maradona 23 Mostar


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