Posting Purely To Prevent This Blog Being Deleted
Thanks, Blogger/Google for deleting one of my old blogs! If the Wayback Machine didn't exist, well, let's not go there ... to the dark place
This blog burrows deep into the British quiz scene and sometimes even the wider world, the myriad facts that are used to power it, and everything else under the trivia sun.
Thanks, Blogger/Google for deleting one of my old blogs! If the Wayback Machine didn't exist, well, let's not go there ... to the dark place
posted by That Quiz Guy at 3:36 PM
I was a twentysomething long gripped in the claws of an unnatural interest in quizzes that has taken me to such exotic locales as Milton Keynes, the Granada Studios canteen and Tallinn, the very wet capital of Estonia when I started this blog. Now I am 30-years-old.