Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Okay, I'm extending the deadline for MQ returns to Monday July 24.

You'd think people could spare two-and-a-half hours sometime, but no, apparently they have things called jobs, dissertations, families and social lives.

Hear me now. These are the beasts that must be slain in order to fulfill your quiz potential. Metaphorically, of course. I don't want chainsaws and machine guns being used to do the job literally. Otherwise, this would constitute incitement.

However, I'm thinking that I can't be bothered to yet compile the Answers and Errors file. I'm lazy like that. I start things that I can't finish. More Morrissey song titles, future and past, right in this space and going on to the end of forever.

The Soft, Aching Pain of Feeling A Hatful of Hollow
Ach. Ouch. The World Cup has gone, leaving me bereft and empty and without an excuse to stay in my bedroom.

So, so jealous of the Italians celebrating on the beautiful streets of Rome. If only England won the World Cup, then we would have full scale rioting and looting all over London. And wouldn't that be fun. Wouldn't that be beautiful in its own way?

Anyway, I blame Fat Frank. Down with Lampard. What good has learning all that Latin at private school done him? None whatsoever.


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